Senior Potluck (11/14)

This Thursday, seniors gathered in the Chi house with trays of mac&cheese, family-style salad with homemade croutons, Zesto’s, Wishbone chicken, cookies, chips, and a whole lot of fun, wholesome brotherhood time with some of our oldest active members. Here are some quotes from the dinner:

“A great chance to get everyone together during a busy time and catch up.” - Hillary

“I ate so many croutons.” - Danielle

“I ate one of Danielle and Mitch’s croutons. It was pretty great, but the company was even better.” - Celine

“9 of diamonds.” - Mitchell. (In reference to Evan’s fun fun game: guess the card at the top of the deck.

“Eat my Mac and cheese.” - Matt F.

“Matt did shit his jeans.” - Caroline

“When you’re here, you’re family.” - Griffin

“This opened my eyes to the wonderfulness that is good company, good food, and confirmation that Fohner definitely shat his jeans. Multiple times.” - Eddie

 Thank you to Evan, Caroline, and Hana for organizing!